Failed the oral board exam before?

It can be hard to understand what happened and what to do next.

Man journaling with a laptop in front of him looking concerned.

What can a Odyssey Review course do?

Odyssey Review has worked with hundreds of clients who have failed the exam before. We can help you reorient, gain confidence, and be fully prepared to take the exam again.

Get a personalized plan

Our faculty will meet with you to understand your exam experience and your prior preparation. We will then offer a personalized plan for the next exam.

Illustration of Odyssey 5 Point Plan on a web browser

Reorient your perspectives

Most candidates have been told unhelpful or untrue advice about the exam. To get ready for the exam, you have to unlearn a lot of poor assumptions so that you can prepare in a way that gives you the best chance to pass the exam.

Prepare for the next exam

Most importantly, candidates commit to following the plan so that they can be fully prepared by the next exam. By following the Odyssey Review methodology and plan, you will have the greatest possibility to pass the exam.

Man talking while teleconferencing on a computer

A course that works

Dr. Odysseus Argy teaching on a laptop on Zoom
Made for everyone

Start with the Intensive WorkGroup Course

The three day Intensive WorkGroup Course is the foundation of the entire Odyssey Review system. Every candidate will benefit from a deep immersion in the correct Exam Mindset, dozens of live practice scenarios, and the group learning experience.

Fully integrated

Scientific Approach

Odyssey Review adopted cognitive science on top of a surgical learning paradigm as a basis for how candidates can optimize preparation for board exams. By understanding the underlying mechanics, candidates can learn how to use their response to the exam as an asset.

Odysseus Argy M.D. smiling while teaching a virtual class
Informed through experience

Proven Methologies

We have worked with hundreds of candidates that have failed the exam before. These experiences have informed the plans that we use with candidates – all to help candidates get fully prepared for the exam.

Fully Remote

Our courses are fully remote, saving you the hassle of travel while replicating the virtual exam perfectly.

Dynamic Learning

Odyssey teaches to match the actual demands of exam scenarios. (Watching prerecorded static videos does not duplicate the actual experience.)

Personalized Plan

One size does not fit all when preparing for an exam. Odyssey teaching is tailored to fit your specific needs.

Emphathic Faculty

Our faculty have worked with many candidates who did not pass the first time – we know what you are going through and want to help you succeed.

Scientific Approach

You need a systematic approach to passing the exam. Our approach is informed by science to ensure the greatest opprortunity to pass.

Proven Methods

We have received feedback from candidates over the past 25+ years and have calibrated our process to give you an ultra-refined experience.

Get started today

No matter where you are in the preparation process, we can help you optimize it.

Hear what candidates say

"I highly recommend taking this course to help prepare for the oral boards. In fact, I have recommended it to several friends and they were equally happy with the results. One of them had taken the Osler course first and failed, but then passed after working with Dr. Argy. The course will remove all the myths about taking the exam and will teach you a presentation style that assure success."

Maureen Burdett, MD headshot

Maureen Burdett, MD

St. Albans, VT

"I felt confident going into the orals because I aced the written, and was busy doing things everyday that the board tests you on. I took the Osler course the weekend before and promptly failed the orals on my first try. I felt that their advice actually worsened my performance. I needed a "sure thing" the second time around, and Dr. Argy is as close to it as you are going to find. In the next exam I knew I passed as soon as I left the last room. Don't make the same mistake I made on my initial attempt. If you want maximum confidence - take his course the FIRST time around!"

Dmitry Nepomnayshy, MD headshot

Dmitry Nepomnayshy, MD

Burlington, MA

"I can't recommend this enough. I have friends who are very intelligent and excellent surgeons who have failed the boards, some even after taking another well known course. After two of these people referred me to Odyssey, I signed on. [Dr. Argy] not only gives you pertinent information about how to take the exam, he also gives you exceptional hands on treatment that will all but guarantee that you'll pass."

David Schaffzin, MD headshot

David Schaffzin, MD

Cherry Hill, NJ